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. | Irelands's Clinical Research Career Portal
Welcome to, Ireland's Clinical Research Jobs Portal. The aim of this site is to provide career information and resources to jobseekers within the clinical research sector and to provide clients with information about our clinical research recruitment services. Many candidates spend hours searching for relevant information on the clinical trials sector in Ireland with little success, so we have designed and launched this site as part of a portfolio of information rich career portals to assist candidates in their search for information. The specialist areas included in this site are clinical data management, clinical research associate, pharmacovigilance, regulatory affairs, clinical trials administration, clinical study design and development. If your area is not listed here then please visit our Web 2.0 Periodic Table to see our other niche career portals. This site will allow you to keep up-to-date with current and future opportunities, to keep in touch with our specialist recruiters and hopefully learn more about the Clinical Research industry in Ireland.